Animal Crossing New Leaf Friend Code 2015

Asked about Animal Crossing: New Leafon Jan. 26, 2014, 11:35 Cutiepie29

I am not really sure how to add a friend to my animal crossing new leaf or all the other ones

2015LeafAnimal Crossing New Leaf Friend Code 2015

1 answer to this Animal Crossing: New Leaf question

  • Answer by Darokaz

    You will need to register your friends through the Nintendo 3DS main menu. This is done by exchanging friend codes with the people you want to play with. To find your code to share, follow these steps:<br /><br />1. From the main menu, tap the friend list icon (the smiley face) at the top center of the screen.<br />2. Tap your Mii Character.<br />3. Your friend code will be displayed below the Mii on the Upper Screen.<br /><br />Once you are friends by sharing your friend code with people they will be able to visit your town. All online play with friends in Animal Crossing: New Leaf can be controlled from the train station by talking to Porter.

    Jan. 27, 2014, 12:38 p.m.

Animal Crossing New Leaf Wikipedia

A Friend Code is a series of 12 numbers used to allow access to another player's town during online play via Wi-Fi. A friend code consists of three sets of four-digit numbers separated by hyphens; 1234-5678-9876, for example. Visiting towns allows the player to meet new villagers, explore new town layouts, and find exotic fruits. 1 Obtaining Friend Codes 1.1 In Wild World 1.2 In City Folk 1.3.

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