Why Do People Think Roblox Is Not Free

A ‘stop Roblox from shutting down’ in 2020 group has been created online to stop the popular game from closing.

You cannot use it on the internet, only on the Roblox browsers's (theres 2, Roblox Studio and Play Roblox), also if you cant use iton the ROBLOX browser then your computer is to old or may be.

  1. You might have heard some online creation platforms. Roblox is one of the most popular online platforms that allow its users to create exciting games. A complete game can be developed using Roblox.
  2. Roblox also has real academic value. In the summer of 2018, Roblox introduced an initiative called Roblox Education.The company offered free, configurable courseware for teachers to use in STEM.

Roblox shutting down in 2020 continues to be a hot topic thanks to its fanbase being worried that the rumours about it closing down are legitimate. And, despite the absurdity of this rumour, it has lately resulted in a group being made online in which over 7,000 members have joined.


The group mostly consists of intentional or otherwise fearmongering with people posting comments such as “R.I.P. Roblox” and other sorts of posts which tie its hypothetical death to the current pandemic. Needless to say, Roblox is not shutting down in 2020 be it in March or beyond.

In order to qualm all concerns, the Roblox official Twitter account responded to the incessant rumour back in January to pretty much stress that it’s all unfounded nonsense.

You can find their official response and where the rumour originated from by continuing to read update 1 and the original story.

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Update 1:

Despite the rumour having circulated over six months ago back in 2019, concerns about Roblox shutting down in 2020 refuse to go away. We’ve already provided an explanation as to why its servers are not being shut down, but now the developers have done the same with a definitive response on Twitter.

The official Roblox Twitter account has posted that the game is not “shutting down” and that fans shouldn’t pay attention to this rumour/hoax as it frequently occurs with just a few details always altered.

This means that you shouldn’t be worried and alarmed when the inevitable Roblox shutting down in 2021 rumours start to surface.

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Let’s set things straight: Roblox isn’t “shutting down.” The same hoax (with a few details changed) goes around every year or two.

Why Do People Think Roblox Is Not Free Robux

Remember: don’t believe everything y’all read on the internet!

— Roblox (@Roblox) January 14, 2020

Original story:

Despite being a hugely popular online multiplayer game that was recently used for exposure by Stranger Things season 3, Roblox is apparently shutting down in March 2020. This news has naturally resulted in the game’s community flipping out over the possibility of no longer being able to enjoy the title.

But is the apparent doom of Roblox true or is it just a fake prank designed to create an overwhelming amount of hysteria?

  • MINECRAFT:Is it really shutting down in 2020?

Is Roblox really shutting down in 2020?

The news that Roblox is shutting down in 2020 has naturally resulted in a boatload of concerned tweets to the game’s official Twitter account.

Some users were merely content with asking whether the game is truly shutting down next year, meanwhile others poured their heart out saying they would cry if the title ceased to exist.

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will roblox severs shut down 2020?


— bitch (@young_cash_regi) July 22, 2019

@Roblox Hey r u guys going to shut down Roblox in 2020 if u guys do im going to cry and im not joking Roblox was the game that i loved the game i played everyday please dont shut down the game plz

— Acromatic (@kristia53460370) July 22, 2019

Fortunately for all the people worried about the impending doomsday where Thanos snaps Roblox out of existence, it’s highly unlikely to happen.

The article claiming Roblox will shut down in 2020 due to being overpopulated and no longer profitable was posted on the prank website React2424 where anyone can “prank their friends”.

Not only that, but the idea of Roblox no longer being profitable is an insane excuse when Business Insider reported back in May that the property is worth up to $2.5 billion.

In addition, the official Roblox Twitter account has said nothing about shutting down nor has it even bothered addressing the insane rumour.

So, if Roblox really is scheduled to shut down in March 2020, then you should also anticipate flying pigs and frogs pouring out of the clouds.

But, if the prank miraculously ended up becoming a reality, then you would definitely need to batten down the hatches and stay inside to avoid the ensuing crisis.

In other video game news, here’s everything you need to know about how to find the Team Rocket PokéStops and purify Shadow Pokémon in Pokémon Go.

A Roblox user, usually ranging from ages 5-14, who date online, hence the term ODer. They're known for a couple of things.
1) Wearing virtual gear that makes them look 'Attractive' to other OD'ers. Some of these items include, but aren't limited to, Beautiful Hair For Beautiful people, avatar body packages that looks realistic (or makes your avatar look muscular), skater hats, brown charmer hair, and faces like Shiny Tooth, Awkward, Braces, Mr. Chuckles, and the faces from the Roblox 3.0 body packages
2) Playing games that involve roleplay, such as Roblox High School, Life In Paradise, and Meep City, just to name a few. This is because many OD'ers play games like these, meet other OD'ers, and can get into 'relationships' outside of just the roleplay
3) Insulting people who report them for online dating or tell them that Roblox wasn't made for online dating, they usually use terms like 'nub'
4) Using stupid language like 'bae' when talking to other OD'ers
xXx_CoolHotDude555: Hey girl, wanna be my bae?
PinkTheHottest9401: Sure! How can I say no to muscles like those?
EvanMcFly1985: Hey! Admins! We got a couple of RobloxianODers here!
PinkTheHottest9401: Shut up, nub! Can't you see me and my boyfriend are having a romantic moment?
Get a ROBLOXian ODer mug for your cat Beatrix.
The Nussy, or the “nose pussy”, if you will, was discovered during the corona virus pandemic of 2020. People that had to be tested for Covid-19 had to have their nose swabbed right where the brain connects, which often led to people rolling back their eyes and gagging.
A nose-swab-fetish developed from this, because we, as humans, ruin everything.
“Oh fuck yeah, swab my nussy”
Sir, please, I went to medical school
Get a Nussy mug for your father Bob.
A moronic user on the website ROBLOX.com that enjoys virtually kissing and raping their equally stupid internet girlfriend. Ranging from 1-5 years old, this species of internet no-life will call you pathetic insults like 'nub' and fake report you if you report them for online dating and get them banned, which they deserve anyway. Usually wearing girl's hair, ugly skater hats, ugly virtual hair, ugly ghetto caps, and any other ugly hat that they think is cool. IronInforcer, Christina8787, and Fizzypops. christina's alt account, are the most idiotic and the king/queen of the ODers. They created 'cafes', which are simply excuses for asshole ODers to go virtually make out with each other and insult the actual smart people when they report them.
by RobloxianDefinitions January 23, 2011
Get the ROBLOXian ODer neck gaiter and mug.
A ROBLOXian oder is a type of Player who usually wears The bear face mask, Holiday Crown, ROBLOXian 2.0, Shiny teeth and Prankster and their clothing are famous brands such as Adidas,Nike,Gucci, etc. Their Hair is either Beautiful hair for Beautiful people, Cinnamon Hair, etc. They would constantly go to Roblox High School,Meep City, Life in Paradise, Or Royal High. Their ages are usually 8-14 and they talk around until they start having 'sex'. But really, some of the players who they're are possibly 30-70 years old. Now here's an example of their conversation:
OmqItzMe_123: hey there handsome ;)
JackStuck_542: Y hello there
OmqItzMe_123: Wanna be my BB
JackStuck_542:Yeah sure,y not
10 fucking minutes:
OmqItzMe_123: I've Been wondering
JackStuck_542: Wot bb
OmqItzMe_123:wanna have s3x ;;;))
JackStuck_542:Hell yeah let's Do it
Blueskya_1XD(me):WTH is happening
OmqItzMe_123:aw #### yeah, ######, ######!
JackStuck_542:oh, IM CUMEING
Blueskya_1XD(me): *reports the 2 ROBLOXianoders*
Oders *reported and banned*
This shit took me 20-27 minutes long
Get a ROBLOXian Oder mug for your daughter Julia.
A ROBLOX user who Online Dates hence the name 'OD'er,
They usually try there best to 'impress' gfs or bfs and usually wear ugly virtual items such as Sk8r boi, Beautiful Hair for Beautiful People, etc.
The ROBLOXian ODers usually consist of 3-12 year old's who have safe chat, literally giving away their age.
CoolDude533: Oh bebe, let's make ###
crazypinklover3: yea yea ####
cakeisdel: Ey, admins! We have ROBLOXianODers!

Why Do People Think Roblox Is Not Freezing

Get a ROBLOXian ODer mug for your brother James.

Jan 17 trending

Why Do People Think Roblox Is Not Free Play

  • 1. Watermelon Sugar
  • 2. Ghetto Spread
  • 3. Girls who eat carrots
  • 4. sorority squat
  • 5. Durk
  • 6. Momala
  • 7. knocking
  • 8. Dog shot
  • 9. sputnik
  • 10. guvy
  • 11. knockin'
  • 12. nuke the fridge
  • 13. obnoxion
  • 14. Eee-o eleven
  • 15. edward 40 hands
  • 16. heels up
  • 17. columbus
  • 18. ain't got
  • 19. UrbDic
  • 20. yak shaving
  • 21. Rush B Cyka Blyat
  • 22. Pimp Nails
  • 23. Backpedaling
  • 24. Anol
  • 25. got that
  • 26. by the way
  • 27. Wetter than an otter's pocket
  • 28. soy face
  • 29. TSIF
  • 30. georgia rose

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