Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.Morbi adipiscing gravdio, sit amet suscipit risus ultrices eu.Fusce viverra neque at purus laoreet consequa.Vivamus vulputate posuere nisl quis consequat.
Jan 15th, 2017
Not a member of Pastebin yet?Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
- local c = Player.Character
- c = Player.CharacterAdded:wait()
- radio.Name = 'Radio'
- radio.Anchored = true
- radio.Size = Vector3.new(3.2, 1.43, 0.8)
- radio.CFrame = c.Torso.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,0,.8)
- radio.CFrame = radio.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,3.15,0)
- radio.CFrame = radio.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,0,-.7)
- local mesh = Instance.new('SpecialMesh',radio)
- mesh.MeshId = 'http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=151760030'
- mesh.TextureId = 'https://www.roblox.com/TX_NCGBoomBox-item?id=151760072'
- local weld = Instance.new('Weld',radio)
- weld.Part1 = radio
- weld.C1 = radio.CFrame:inverse()
- sound.Name = 'Music'
- sound.Volume = 1
- local gui = Instance.new('ScreenGui',Player.PlayerGui)
- local frame = Instance.new('Frame',gui)
- frame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(58/255,58/255,58/255)
- frame.BorderSizePixel = 2
- frame.Position = UDim2.new(0,20,.5,-100)
- local playb = Instance.new('TextButton',frame)
- playb.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0,0,0)
- playb.Size = UDim2.new(.3,0,.2,0)
- playb.Text = 'Play'
- playb.TextScaled = true
- local stopb = Instance.new('TextButton',frame)
- stopb.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0,0,0)
- stopb.Size = UDim2.new(.3,0,.2,0)
- stopb.Text = 'Stop'
- stopb.TextScaled = true
- local stipb = Instance.new('TextBox',frame)
- stipb.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0,0,0)
- stipb:TweenSize(UDim2.new(.5,0,.25,0),'Out','Quad',1,true)
- stipb.Text = 'SoundId'
- stipb.TextScaled = true
- local label = Instance.new('TextLabel',frame)
- label.TextScaled = true
- label.TextColor3 = Color3.new(255,255,255)
- --stipb.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,.2,0)
- local Playing = false
- stipb.Changed:connect(function()
- end)
- playb.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- Playing = true
- sound:Stop()
- end)
- while true do
- mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(1.1,1.1,1.1)
- mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
- wait(.2)
RAW Paste Data
May 20th, 2017
Roblox 2017 Game
Not a member of Pastebin yet?Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
Roblox Passwords 2017
- local lol = Instance.new('Tool',p.Backpack)
- lol.TextureId ='http://www.roblox.com/asset?id=130093050'
- lol2.Name ='Handle'
- lol3.MeshId ='http://www.roblox.com/asset?id=130099641'
- lol3.TextureId ='http://www.roblox.com/asset?id=130093033'
- lol4.Color = Color3.new(0,255,255)
- local lol5 = Instance.new('Sound',lol2)
- lol5.SoundId ='http://www.roblox.com/asset?id=130113322'
- lol6.Name ='Reload'
- lol6.SoundId ='http://www.roblox.com/asset?id=130113370'
- lol7.Name ='HitFade'
- lol7.SoundId ='http://www.roblox.com/asset?id=130113415'
- --| Constants |--
- local SHOT_TIME =1
- local NOZZLE_OFFSET = Vector3.new(0,0.4,-1.1)
- -----------------
- -----------------
- local PlayersService = Game:GetService('Players')
- local Handle = Tool:WaitForChild('Handle')
- local FireSound = Handle:WaitForChild('Fire')
- local HitFadeSound = Handle:WaitForChild('HitFade')
- local PointLight = Handle:WaitForChild('PointLight')
- local Character =nil
- local Player =nil
- local BaseShot =nil
- -----------------
- -----------------
- -- Returns a character ancestor and its Humanoid, or nil
- if subject and subject ~= Workspace then
- local humanoid = subject:FindFirstChild('Humanoid')
- return subject, humanoid
- return FindCharacterAncestor(subject.Parent)
- end
- end
- -- Removes any old creator tags and applies new ones to the specified target
- while target:FindFirstChild('creator')do
- end
- local creatorTag = Instance.new('ObjectValue')
- creatorTag.Name ='creator'--NOTE: Must be called 'creator' for website stats
- local iconTag = Instance.new('StringValue')
- iconTag.Name ='icon'
- iconTag.Parent = creatorTag
- DebrisService:AddItem(creatorTag,4)
- -- Returns all objects under instance with Transparency
- localfunction GetTransparentsRecursive(instance, partsTable)
- for _, child inpairs(instance:GetChildren())do
- table.insert(partsTable, child)
- GetTransparentsRecursive(child, partsTable)
- return partsTable
- local selectionBox = Instance.new('SelectionBox')
- selectionBox.Color = BrickColor.new('Toothpaste')
- return selectionBox
- local light = PointLight:Clone()
- light.Parent = instance
- localfunction FadeOutObjects(objectsWithTransparency, fadeIncrement)
- local lastObject =nil
- object.Transparency = object.Transparency + fadeIncrement
- end
- until lastObject.Transparency >=1ornot lastObject
- localfunction Dematerialize(character, humanoid, firstPart)
- for _, child inpairs(character:GetChildren())do
- child.Anchored =true
- elseif child:IsA('LocalScript')or child:IsA('Script')then
- end
- local firstSelectionBox = SelectionBoxify(firstPart)
- wait(0.05)
- for _, part inpairs(parts)do
- table.insert(selectionBoxes, SelectionBoxify(part))
- end
- local objectsWithTransparency = GetTransparentsRecursive(character)
- DebrisService:AddItem(character,2)
- local fadeIncrement =0.05
- FadeOutObjects({firstSelectionBox}, fadeIncrement)
- character:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- localfunction OnTouched(shot, otherPart)
- local character, humanoid = FindCharacterAncestor(otherPart)
- if character and humanoid and character ~= Character then
- if shot then
- local hitFadeSound = shot:FindFirstChild(HitFadeSound.Name)
- hitFadeSound.Parent = humanoid.Torso
- end
- end
- end
- Character = Tool.Parent
- Player = PlayersService:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character)
- if Tool.Enabled and Humanoid.Health >0then
- local firingPoint = handleCFrame.p + handleCFrame:vectorToWorldSpace(NOZZLE_OFFSET)
- local shotCFrame = CFrame.new(firingPoint, Humanoid.TargetPoint)
- local laserShotClone = BaseShot:Clone()
- laserShotClone.CFrame = shotCFrame +(shotCFrame.lookVector *(BaseShot.Size.Z /2))
- bodyVelocity.velocity = shotCFrame.lookVector * SHOT_SPEED
- laserShotClone.Touched:connect(function(otherPart)
- end)
- laserShotClone.Parent = Tool
- wait(0.6)-- FireSound length
- ReloadSound:Play()
- end
- --| Script Logic |--
- BaseShot.Name ='Effect'
- BaseShot.Size = Vector3.new(0.2,0.2,3)
- BaseShot.BrickColor = BrickColor.new('Toothpaste')
- Light(BaseShot)
- Tool.Unequipped:connect(OnUnequipped)
RAW Paste Data
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